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Tuesday, August 19, 2008


1.Decrease the coresteral,And Trigriseried,Blood pressure.
2.Prevent the blood attack your nerves, and heart.
3.Prevent the diabetes, And prevent the low.
4.Decrease your hungry. Diet assistant.
5. Increase your muscle to totally the sport activities.
amino.gif (32751 bytes)
6.Increase your body to sleep easier.
7.Decrease your immunize
8.Prevent your Migran, And Women Monthly.
9.control the Parginsan, Or the nerve problem.
Chelate Amino acid

10.Prevent the Cancer
11.Increase your "........." abilities.
12.Prevent your system to kill more Base,And Acid.

Amino Acid Organic Fertilizer(Guizhou)

Chromium Amino Acid Chelate (Tianjin)

Boron Amino Acid Chelate

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